Post Archive

Assessing Policy Solutions for Mass Surveillance Through “The NSA files” Leak

In 2013, Edward Snowden, a former CIA contractor leaked documents that outlined how the NSA was running a large-scale global surveillance program called PRISM (“Edward”). Per Snowden’s whistleblowing, The Guardian and The Washington Post reported that the PRISM surveillance program collected extensive information from internet users around the world.
5 min read

Why Are People Bad At Probability Calculations?

Despite most mistakes people make and the biases they hold can be explained through past experiments and even evolutionary reasoning, some still loom around and are yet to be answered. Today, as young curious individuals ourselves, we decided to tackle one of the most common mistakes people make when it comes to probability calculations and rational reasoning.
12 min read

Memory Manipulation & Implantation of Memories

With the advancement of technological innovations and our understanding of the human brain and memory, questions regarding whether or not we can - or should - manipulate stored memories have been frequently studied upon. Among the general populace, it is often believed that if we were able to intentionally manipulate one’s memories and replace them with fabricated ones, we would be able to answer the most complex questions that have existed for centuries due to the intricate makeup of the human brain.
5 min read

Being a Global Citizen & an Arising Global Conciousness

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc upon the global community, it is an undeniable fact that we must reflect upon events that arose as a result. With the beginning of a new era for humanity, there have been drastic changes as to how we go about our daily lives.
3 min read